//Under evolution//
Syntax: Thought 1 (BXPXX, dd/mm/yy). Thought 2 (BXPXX, dd/mm/yy)....Thought n (BXPXX, dd/mm/yy).
Example: Sentence "XXX (B1P22, < 20/05/2055). YYY (B1P22, 21/05/2055)" implies that the
Example: Sentence "XXX (B1P22, < 20/05/2055). YYY (B1P22, 21/05/2055)" implies that the
thought XXX has been known before 20/5/2055 by me, and thought YYY has been known to have come on 21/5/2055. B1P22 indicates Page 22 of Book 1 of mine, where the thoughts related to it can be found.
Existing Categorized Thought Groups:
Optimal Path
Automating The Action Of Making Optimal Decision Of What We Need To Do Here In This World
Knowing Ease Actions
Optimal Path
Automating The Action Of Making Optimal Decision Of What We Need To Do Here In This World
Knowing Ease Actions
Vector Calculus of Exploration, Mathematical Language and Human thought
Origins And Evolution Of Human Language
Exploratory Ways
Mathematical Language
Generality, Overview And Symbols
Automation Of Thinking/Exploration
Evolution and Transition
Consequences Of Using Compound Steps
On Organization
Analysis Site Design
Determined World
Board Games
Old Posts
All the other un-categorized thought groups can be found below.
Links: Knowing the elements/rules for optimal path > Having experience on randomness > Elements/Randomness as exploratory ways > Having experience on exploratory ways > Evolution of exploratory ways (considering evolution as the true exploratory way?)
Following the track of human evolution of experiencing all the experiences > Simulation of game involving compound structures
Optimal path construction > Does this require experience on the evolution of learning?
Following the track of human evolution of experiencing all the experiences > Simulation of game involving compound structures
Optimal path construction > Does this require experience on the evolution of learning?
Isn’t it seem optimal to know the consequences of death instead of dying without knowing it? Doesn’t knowing the consequences help in avoiding not-desired ones? (30/4/17)
Is it possible that after determining the working of this world, the conformation of living without dying itself to be determined as not optimal? (17/5/17)
Aren’t there possibilities of it not being optimal? How to know whether it is optimal or not? (7/5/17)
Is it possible that the structure “optimal” to not exist here in this case? | Links: Exploratory ways; Possibilities;| Utility: Checking the concreteness of the aim or the main utility given above (?). (30/4/17| 4/5/17| 4/5/17)
Supports: Know the origin of the word optimal. Links: Mathematical optimization problems.
Can one know what he/she needs to do without having complete experience? What if they don’t have experience of conformations, which they need for their decision? (Clarification required; 28/6/17; 26)
Links: See 28/6/17; 23,24,25.
First Utility| 4/7/17: Which utility do you want to attain first: increasing the lifespan of humans or making an optimal decision of what we need to do here? (2/7/17)Can one know what he/she needs to do without having complete experience? What if they don’t have experience of conformations, which they need for their decision? (Clarification required; 28/6/17; 26)
Links: See 28/6/17; 23,24,25.
Can I make the optimal decision (an action chosen among many other for attaining the desired utility) of what we need to do here in short time (50-60 years)? (2/7/17)
Even if I know the optimal action, what if it needs more time to do that action? (2/7/17)
How to know whether the time required to do the optimal action is less or not? (2/7/17)
Do utilities of increasing lifespan and making optimal decision need different path? (4/7/17; 13)
Can’t compound elements allow to increase the lifespan of humans? (4/7/17; 14)
What is the utility of knowing on what I need to attain first? (7/7/17; 1)
Utility Of Recording| 18/6/17: It seems to eliminate voluntarily remembering our own thoughts. (Clarification required, 18/6/17)
What is the need of writing in the book first and then putting it into the site? Can’t they be put directly into the site? (19/6/17)
Does writing first in book using only short representations allow recording the notions without verification? Does this allow other unverified exploration from the recorded notion? Does later writing it in site require editing and verification? (Clarification required; 21/6/17)
What is the need of exploration without verification? (Clarification required; 21/6/17)
Utility Of Site: Extract from the main page (as on 14/6/17): “Websites can become final organized books, which have more flexibility than that writing in the paper book. We can here lift the same once typed text into another place, and group similar thoughts for having a better organization; we can collapse thought groups with just one name using toggle effect to have an overview; we can search our thinking from the search box, have all our notions a permanent place for incremental construction and even more as needed. We might have a different kind of notebook in the next generation (many of them are already there in the evolution stage), with a kind of e-reader kind pages. Digital Writing has got flexibility of giving what we need. Intellectual Journal seems to be looking like the intellectual cloud storage!”
Can’t what is done in site be done in book? (14/6/17)
Site seems to allow viewing for many of them. How is viewing by many of them going to help you attain your main utility of increasing human life span? (14/6/17)
What changes do I make while typing the text in site, by seeing the rough writing in book? If I can know the modifications, doesn’t that allow exploration of making the changes in the first recording itself? (14/6/17)
Utility Exploration| 12/6/17: Do I need to only either have experience (exploratory way?) or express the notion causing me to not proceed? (Clarification required, 12/6/17)
[To be answered] Are there any other possibilities than the above ones? (12/6/17)
Utility: To eliminate problematic consequences from every action.
Problems| < 2/5/17:
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Every Action| 3/5/17: Nothing yet…
In-Problematic Systems: By using problematic systems to solve a problem in the same system, how can one be sure of the solution the system gives for it? (B7P24, 29/07/2016)
Problem Unsolvable Because of Being Deficient in Power: Nothing yet...
Algorithm for Solving a Problem: There seems to exist different analogical pudding like different types of novels with different principles as main characters, through which one can attack the same problem, but the problem is on knowing the most effective one. (16/06/2016)
Unlocking the Problem Before Getting Deception-ally Comfortable | 07/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Ignoran’t(ce) of Problems | 04/08/2016: How to know all the problems? (4/5/17)
Ignorance: Some of them seems to be ignorant of problems, as like I might be in the problems which they introduce. I should try introducing a system which can track all the problems via a systematic in-focus analysis. (B1P13, 27/06/2016)
Miscellaneous| 5/5/17: Problem seem to linked with making compound step in knowing the elements. (Clarification required, 5/5/17)
How to detect all the problems? (6/5/17)
How did I come to know about problems from compound step? Need I have more experience? (6/5/17)
Utility: Not identified yet.
Utility: Not identified yet.
Against Need Principle| 8/5/17: Is there a case where need principle/conformation is not preferred?
Artificial Systems With Evolution Against Need Principle| 8/5/17: Nothing yet…
Possibilities| 14/3/17: How to know whether a possibility is allowed by the conformations made by the elements of the considered system? (14/3/17)
Utility: For having optimal conformation;
Evolution Of Conformation| 7/5/17: Links| Defaults from surroundings; Creation;
Measurement Of Overview| 12/3/17: Nothing yet…
Next Generation Schools| 4/3/17: For teaching, would the schools have algorithmic machines, with all the actions needed for all the possible conformations (made by students)? (4/3/17)
Books| 11/5/17: Andreas Gerardus Maria van Melson’s From Atomos To Atom: The History Of The Concept Atom
From Elements to Atoms: A History of Chemical Composition
Peter Gardenfors’ How Homo Became Sapiens: On The Evolution Of Thinking
Possibilities| 3/3/17: [gen] How to know all the possibilities? (3/3/17)
Possibilities Beyond The Formation Produced By The Conformations Of Elements| < 6/3/17: Nothing yet…
Chemistry (Mixing for seeing reactions?) Of Elementary Particles| 10/5/17: Nothing yet…
[Gen] Measure Of Progress| 16/2/17: Based on what are you considering your progress? On the basis of knowing true elements? (31/10/16-10/12/16)
Wrong Questions| 14/2/17: Experience notion| Check biochemistry questions on why certain elements were chosen for living organisms? (22/2/17)
[Gen] Observing The Conformations| 13/2/17: Next Exploration Notion| Most of the identifications seems to be on the conformations of the elements considered using the principles, here think on seeing the conformations directly and then describing them along with determination of their expected form. (Clarification required, 13/2/17)
Embarrassing Philosophy| 9/5/17: Nothing yet…
[Gen] Exploratory Ways Vs. Principles |13/2/17: Aren’t principles general conformations (arrangements of the elements) than the exploratory ways (analogies?)? (24/2/17)
Relative Oddities| 6/6/17: Nothing yet…
Hidden Thoughts| 13/2/17: Doesn’t thoughts which I am not expressing, represent them being not correct or being in need of verification? (Clarification required, 13/2/17)
Won’t they also be thoughts expressing proud about myself? (13/2/17)
Need Of Cryptic Writing| 22/1/17: Cryptic writing might help in polishing my thoughts properly. (26/1/17)
Up Factor Vs. Down Factor| 23/1/17: Exploration Notion| I have felt in air, after having
Unrecoverable Stages | < 15/1/17: Nothing yet...
Abstraction Vs. Concreteness| 14/1/17: Explore this w.r.t: Symbols Vs. Pictures. (B11P158, 15/1/17)
Need Of Decoration | 13/1/17: Experience (E)| I went to collage without getting my hairs cut/dressed properly, I had a sense of ease. Ease? Why? (22/1/17)
Humans | 10/1/17: I observed my friend being too outdated/immature in his actions (is he?). I started seeing on how I might be, as like him, in the eyes of other updated humans. (10/1/17)
Silence Vs. Music Vs. Noise, While Studying | 9/1/17: What about using other language songs while studying; as this would not be understood by me, can this help in reading without disturbance, and as a better replacement for random noise/silence? (2/2/17)
Up Factor Vs. Down Factor| 23/1/17: Exploration Notion| I have felt in air, after having
Unrecoverable Stages | < 15/1/17: Nothing yet...
Abstraction Vs. Concreteness| 14/1/17: Explore this w.r.t: Symbols Vs. Pictures. (B11P158, 15/1/17)
Need Of Decoration | 13/1/17: Experience (E)| I went to collage without getting my hairs cut/dressed properly, I had a sense of ease. Ease? Why? (22/1/17)
Humans | 10/1/17: I observed my friend being too outdated/immature in his actions (is he?). I started seeing on how I might be, as like him, in the eyes of other updated humans. (10/1/17)
Silence Vs. Music Vs. Noise, While Studying | 9/1/17: What about using other language songs while studying; as this would not be understood by me, can this help in reading without disturbance, and as a better replacement for random noise/silence? (2/2/17)
Think on using music to get out of sleeping nature. (15/2/17)
Superman Q Level Notion | < 8/1/17: Nothing yet...
Initial Conformations In The Evolutionary Systems | 8/1/17: Nothing yet...
Inability To Prove One's Stand With Few Statements | < 7/1/17: Nothing yet...
Notion Grabber | < 7/1/17: Isn't it better to represent the notion immediately for easy use in the next need? (7/1/17)
Seeing-In-The-View-Of-Victim Principle Of Exploration | < 7/1/17: Nothing yet...
Immortal World | 26/12/16: People seem to be not getting organized or not doing anything properly, because of either the possibility of background indirect notion that they are not going to live forever or other reasons. If the first reason holds good, then if one comes to know about his long term life guaranteed for the exploration of the world, he/she might start taking organised serious steps in everything. (26/12/17)
Can we expect greater exploration, if we can have the same humans continue over the time, like Euler continuing without death? Won't the progress be faster? Now the developed humans seem to dying, and the new ones seem to be taking time to attain the same stage back. (10/1/17)
Would it be happen that all the humans become Scientists? (10/1/17)
Different Nature Of The Same Algorithm w.r.t To Different Algorithms | Nothing yet...
"Problem-Free-Ease" False View On Theories | < 3/1/17: Nothing yet...
Creating Data Structure | 03/01/17: Nothing yet...
Clear Progress| <26/11/16: Nothing yet...
Transitional Moves Advantages| <25/11/16: Nothing yet...
Pure Only Human Communication Sounds| <24/11/16: Nothing yet...
Exploratory Principles| 24/11/16: Nothing yet...
Who is Elder?| 25/11/16: Nothing yet...
Artificial Starting Points| 07/11/16: Nothing yet...
Negative Nature of Algorithms| 05/11/16: Nothing yet...
Observations| <28/09/16: I should not leave any observations basing on my wait till I
understand the required theories. (<28/09/16)
Lustre Loss of Discoveries| 03/11/16: Discoveries seems to not make most of new folks have the same feel of its discovery, as it ages, either due to lack of proper introduction or other reasons. (03/11/16)
Brisk Exploration| 03/11/16: Nothing yet...
Capturing the Height| 02/11/16: Capturing the difficult process slowly seems to be a better move. (B[ook]11P[age]80, 02/11/16)
Constructing the Intense Exploratory Way| 30/10/2016: Nothing yet...
Measuring the Connectivity| 30/10/2016: Nothing yet...
Questions | 20/08/2016: Thought (T)| There seems to exist two types of questions: those which arise due to deficiency of the data behind a theory, and other of a pure research nature, the one /which is more valuable.
Solidity of Thought Skill Notion | <19/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Problems (Philosophical Approach) | <13/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Transparent World | 07/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Unconscious Acts | 06/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Optimized Behavior | 06/08/2016: Experience/Notion Remainder (E)| My friend's reaction of saying me to be not coming because of he being busy, after me having approached him to go with him back to home, was felt by me to be not effective in expressing his situation. (06/08/2016)
Thought (T)| One may not have thought about the consequence of each of the conformation produced in reaction to others, in certain situations we need to optimize and choose the best one for the action. We may in future calculate this automatically! (06/08/2016)
Randomness in Thought Pickings of Us in Conversation | 06/08/2016: Nothing yet...
No-thinking Data Follow Moves | 06/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Perceptional Defective Deductions/Abstractions | 04/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Blind Transitional Knowledge Simulators | 04/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Origin of Relations from Experience | 03/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Checking intuition at high pace | 31/07/2016: Nothing yet...
Refreshing the past with new exploratory niche | 31/07/2016: Nothing yet...
Discovering thoughts | <30/07/2016 : Nothing yet...
Incommensurable Thoughts | <30/07/2016: Notion Credits: Thomas Khun (?)
Nothing yet..
Discovering thoughts Vs. Receiving thoughts | 30/07/2016: Nothing yet...
Without Proof: T| Proof (if they exist) of intuitions, seems to be not known by the person who is considering it, as like for the concepts learnt in the way of transitional players. (B5P69, 27/07/2016)
Underdeveloped Transitional Acts: Nothing yet...
Expressing the Known: Nothing yet..
Unconscious Utility of A Source: Nothing yet...
Keeping hold of Mind: Nothing yet...
Reality Vs. General Logical Possibilities: Nothing yet...
Base Lifting Questions: Nothing yet...
What intellectual abilities of other animals do we not find in humans? : Nothing yet...
Deception Points in Analysis: [Exp: Calculus usage of f(x+h) vs df (Clarification needed).] Sometimes. para-phrasing may lead to deception. (04/07/2016)
Moves with no reasoning: Nothing yet...
Representation of Data: I need to design a work field suitable for solving a problem. (B5P79, 03/07/2016)
Collaboration: We can use different level of experienced folks to think on a concept to do away with bias/limitation from me being with lot of data. A person with no related data may be able to give a insight which others with various degree of knowledge may be able to give. (B5P80,
Realistic Picture And The Measurement Analogy Picture: Nothing yet...
Concise Knowledge: Nothing yet...
Types of Maturity: Nothing yet...
How Theories are Built?: Extract from Poincare's Science and Method: "But analogy with the phenomenon which these laboratories enable us to reach may nevertheless serve as a guide to the astronomer. The Milky way, for instance, is an assemblage of suns whose motions appear at first sight capricious. But may not the assemblage be compared with that of the molecules of a gas whose properties we have learnt from the kinetic theory of gases?"| I have always used comparisons for explorations instead for reasoning, in the same way, I think it better the kinetic theory be used as exploratory idea rather than the real one for milky way case. I should be alert with these types of theories while reading. (19/06/2016)
Smooth Flow of Data: Think more on using "crop rotation" policy in receiving data. (19/06/2016)
Don't Like Philosophy: Stephen Sir used the term "old philosophy" in a way to give me a notion on why some don't like philosophy. Now, I see that the Philosophy which is not liked is the one, which is shallow with most moral reasoning; the group which follow this "philosophy" seems to not have used philosophy (reasoning) completely, as they haven't explored its validity. The true philosophy which is in-depth reasoning, should be used by every one and not be down by shallow reasoning philosophy. (18/06/2016)
Climate Variation of Possibility of an action: Nothing yet...
Embarrassing Notions: Experiences| I was reasoning on the context of the house owner having no-flexible defence while speaking with variable defence-containing people, to my dad. I said on that may being the case. While reasoning on this to my dad, I had a notion of embarrassment (?). (25/2/17)
Superman Q Level Notion | < 8/1/17: Nothing yet...
Initial Conformations In The Evolutionary Systems | 8/1/17: Nothing yet...
Inability To Prove One's Stand With Few Statements | < 7/1/17: Nothing yet...
Notion Grabber | < 7/1/17: Isn't it better to represent the notion immediately for easy use in the next need? (7/1/17)
Seeing-In-The-View-Of-Victim Principle Of Exploration | < 7/1/17: Nothing yet...
Immortal World | 26/12/16: People seem to be not getting organized or not doing anything properly, because of either the possibility of background indirect notion that they are not going to live forever or other reasons. If the first reason holds good, then if one comes to know about his long term life guaranteed for the exploration of the world, he/she might start taking organised serious steps in everything. (26/12/17)
Can we expect greater exploration, if we can have the same humans continue over the time, like Euler continuing without death? Won't the progress be faster? Now the developed humans seem to dying, and the new ones seem to be taking time to attain the same stage back. (10/1/17)
Would it be happen that all the humans become Scientists? (10/1/17)
Different Nature Of The Same Algorithm w.r.t To Different Algorithms | Nothing yet...
"Problem-Free-Ease" False View On Theories | < 3/1/17: Nothing yet...
Creating Data Structure | 03/01/17: Nothing yet...
Clear Progress| <26/11/16: Nothing yet...
Transitional Moves Advantages| <25/11/16: Nothing yet...
Pure Only Human Communication Sounds| <24/11/16: Nothing yet...
Exploratory Principles| 24/11/16: Nothing yet...
Who is Elder?| 25/11/16: Nothing yet...
Artificial Starting Points| 07/11/16: Nothing yet...
Negative Nature of Algorithms| 05/11/16: Nothing yet...
Observations| <28/09/16: I should not leave any observations basing on my wait till I
understand the required theories. (<28/09/16)
Lustre Loss of Discoveries| 03/11/16: Discoveries seems to not make most of new folks have the same feel of its discovery, as it ages, either due to lack of proper introduction or other reasons. (03/11/16)
Brisk Exploration| 03/11/16: Nothing yet...
Capturing the Height| 02/11/16: Capturing the difficult process slowly seems to be a better move. (B[ook]11P[age]80, 02/11/16)
Constructing the Intense Exploratory Way| 30/10/2016: Nothing yet...
Measuring the Connectivity| 30/10/2016: Nothing yet...
Questions | 20/08/2016: Thought (T)| There seems to exist two types of questions: those which arise due to deficiency of the data behind a theory, and other of a pure research nature, the one /which is more valuable.
Solidity of Thought Skill Notion | <19/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Problems (Philosophical Approach) | <13/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Transparent World | 07/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Unconscious Acts | 06/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Optimized Behavior | 06/08/2016: Experience/Notion Remainder (E)| My friend's reaction of saying me to be not coming because of he being busy, after me having approached him to go with him back to home, was felt by me to be not effective in expressing his situation. (06/08/2016)
Thought (T)| One may not have thought about the consequence of each of the conformation produced in reaction to others, in certain situations we need to optimize and choose the best one for the action. We may in future calculate this automatically! (06/08/2016)
Randomness in Thought Pickings of Us in Conversation | 06/08/2016: Nothing yet...
No-thinking Data Follow Moves | 06/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Perceptional Defective Deductions/Abstractions | 04/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Blind Transitional Knowledge Simulators | 04/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Origin of Relations from Experience | 03/08/2016: Nothing yet...
Checking intuition at high pace | 31/07/2016: Nothing yet...
Refreshing the past with new exploratory niche | 31/07/2016: Nothing yet...
Discovering thoughts | <30/07/2016 : Nothing yet...
Incommensurable Thoughts | <30/07/2016: Notion Credits: Thomas Khun (?)
Nothing yet..
Discovering thoughts Vs. Receiving thoughts | 30/07/2016: Nothing yet...
Without Proof: T| Proof (if they exist) of intuitions, seems to be not known by the person who is considering it, as like for the concepts learnt in the way of transitional players. (B5P69, 27/07/2016)
Underdeveloped Transitional Acts: Nothing yet...
Expressing the Known: Nothing yet..
Unconscious Utility of A Source: Nothing yet...
Keeping hold of Mind: Nothing yet...
Reality Vs. General Logical Possibilities: Nothing yet...
Base Lifting Questions: Nothing yet...
What intellectual abilities of other animals do we not find in humans? : Nothing yet...
Deception Points in Analysis: [Exp: Calculus usage of f(x+h) vs df (Clarification needed).] Sometimes. para-phrasing may lead to deception. (04/07/2016)
Moves with no reasoning: Nothing yet...
Representation of Data: I need to design a work field suitable for solving a problem. (B5P79, 03/07/2016)
Collaboration: We can use different level of experienced folks to think on a concept to do away with bias/limitation from me being with lot of data. A person with no related data may be able to give a insight which others with various degree of knowledge may be able to give. (B5P80,
Realistic Picture And The Measurement Analogy Picture: Nothing yet...
Concise Knowledge: Nothing yet...
Types of Maturity: Nothing yet...
How Theories are Built?: Extract from Poincare's Science and Method: "But analogy with the phenomenon which these laboratories enable us to reach may nevertheless serve as a guide to the astronomer. The Milky way, for instance, is an assemblage of suns whose motions appear at first sight capricious. But may not the assemblage be compared with that of the molecules of a gas whose properties we have learnt from the kinetic theory of gases?"| I have always used comparisons for explorations instead for reasoning, in the same way, I think it better the kinetic theory be used as exploratory idea rather than the real one for milky way case. I should be alert with these types of theories while reading. (19/06/2016)
Smooth Flow of Data: Think more on using "crop rotation" policy in receiving data. (19/06/2016)
Don't Like Philosophy: Stephen Sir used the term "old philosophy" in a way to give me a notion on why some don't like philosophy. Now, I see that the Philosophy which is not liked is the one, which is shallow with most moral reasoning; the group which follow this "philosophy" seems to not have used philosophy (reasoning) completely, as they haven't explored its validity. The true philosophy which is in-depth reasoning, should be used by every one and not be down by shallow reasoning philosophy. (18/06/2016)
Climate Variation of Possibility of an action: Nothing yet...
Embarrassing Notions: Experiences| I was reasoning on the context of the house owner having no-flexible defence while speaking with variable defence-containing people, to my dad. I said on that may being the case. While reasoning on this to my dad, I had a notion of embarrassment (?). (25/2/17)
Explore on morality being embarrassing. (< 25/2/17)
Speed: You can see on what changes speed can bring out by comparing the old generation relays with modern generation transistors in the making of a computer--See CODE. (16/06/2016)
Clear thinking = Fast processing. (16/06/2016)
Joy: Discovering the world seems to be the kind of joy which doesn't expire. (16/06/2016) Discovering the world seems to be the most amazing experience one can accomplish. (11/06/2016)
Nothing is Better than Anything: Accessed from The mathematics of human thought : "He [Boole] was largely self taught, and it may have been the absence of a teacher to lead him away from such a seemingly nonsensical idea that enabled him to seek to capture the patterns of thought by means of algebra." (10/06/2016)
Think more on lot of plans becoming as if there was no plan at all--neutralizing effect. (31/05/2016)
Peoples Nature: In some of the social issues, especially with more savage like people, unfortunately the settlement of issue seems to not only depend on the reasoning, but also on the swiftness, loudness and fast processing of speech. (04/06/2016)
Bias: If one wishes to attain a result, he might induce bias by trying to forcefully search for possibilities of achieving it, leaving all other parts which might be pointing against what one is trying to do. (04/06/2016)
Tools: Sometimes path required to be covered may be a lot, one might have tools which needs to be improved for better usage; if one manages to move on and reach a certain point they might get new tools. Now, the question on improving the old tools in the intermediate steps, depends on one of the possibility of comparing between the time taken for travel to reach the destination with old tools and that from the old tools, which have been given certain time on the way for improvement. (05/06/2016, Logical Possibility)
Reaction Conformations: If one doesn't have a proper conformation of reaction, it seems to create embarrassing situations. (<14/04/2016)
Thinking Hazards: Try to know more on the effects of knowing the transition steps directly. (02/06/2016)
Certain imperfect steps whose following involves unknown veiled imperfect reasoning, seems to make one get involved into the experience which doesn't want to get into. (04/06/2016)
Every received data seems to require extensive reasoning acceptance; otherwise it might cause background blurry problems to resist the progress of a considered problem's solution, or in increasing the time taken to resolve the problem, which involves pulling out the problematic background problem and then re-think of it being a genuine problem to proceed further in the real problem's solution. (B6P24, 29/06/2016)
Automation: I am thinking on quantifying ideas and to create plugins, to enable greater ease from automation. (02/06/2016)
Learning A New Skill: It seems easy to learn any skill for the expert in any one field, as the rules of the game in learning often seems to be analogically same. (02/06/2016, connected with 5)
Ignorant Guide: Under ignorant teacher it seems difficult to learn (obvious!). Raw experience: My sister is tutoring a 8th standard north Indian student, who doesn't know English. Language learning from the childhood is shown to be easy than in the years after (read James R. Hurford's Origins of Language) because of the evolutionary surrounding in the former than in the latter (?) But my sister has got no overview. She scolded the student comparing the 1st standard with 8th standard student! (01/06/2016)
Faults: Being hurry might make one loss some of the best ways. (1/06/2016)
Misunderstandings: Editing thoughts and saying it to others ignorantly seems to affect relationships. (31/05/2016)
Measurement: I should find a way to measure my "mood".(31/05/2016)
Mathematical concepts can be said as the higher abstraction in which every other concepts can be explored. (29/05/2016)
Extract from the book James R. Hurford's Origins of Language : "Jackobson's idea was that there is a scale of naturalness, of the ease with which syllable can be produced, and that this scale is seen in all the three domains, child language, apahasia,..." See his explorations on mathematising, using the word "scale". (30/05/2016)
I should find a mathematical measure on how much intermediate evolutionary forms knowledge is required to make move; it may not be quantitative knowledge, but the qualitative one which might determine the measure. (01/06/2016)
I need to find a mathematical measure of the weight of every reasoning. (04/06/2016)
How is the measurement done on calculating the "interesting" nature of any reading source?
I should make a measure on the time interval within which a connected experience should occur for effective use of experienced experience. (11/06/2016)
Speed: You can see on what changes speed can bring out by comparing the old generation relays with modern generation transistors in the making of a computer--See CODE. (16/06/2016)
Clear thinking = Fast processing. (16/06/2016)
Joy: Discovering the world seems to be the kind of joy which doesn't expire. (16/06/2016) Discovering the world seems to be the most amazing experience one can accomplish. (11/06/2016)
Nothing is Better than Anything: Accessed from The mathematics of human thought : "He [Boole] was largely self taught, and it may have been the absence of a teacher to lead him away from such a seemingly nonsensical idea that enabled him to seek to capture the patterns of thought by means of algebra." (10/06/2016)
Think more on lot of plans becoming as if there was no plan at all--neutralizing effect. (31/05/2016)
Peoples Nature: In some of the social issues, especially with more savage like people, unfortunately the settlement of issue seems to not only depend on the reasoning, but also on the swiftness, loudness and fast processing of speech. (04/06/2016)
Bias: If one wishes to attain a result, he might induce bias by trying to forcefully search for possibilities of achieving it, leaving all other parts which might be pointing against what one is trying to do. (04/06/2016)
Tools: Sometimes path required to be covered may be a lot, one might have tools which needs to be improved for better usage; if one manages to move on and reach a certain point they might get new tools. Now, the question on improving the old tools in the intermediate steps, depends on one of the possibility of comparing between the time taken for travel to reach the destination with old tools and that from the old tools, which have been given certain time on the way for improvement. (05/06/2016, Logical Possibility)
Reaction Conformations: If one doesn't have a proper conformation of reaction, it seems to create embarrassing situations. (<14/04/2016)
Thinking Hazards: Try to know more on the effects of knowing the transition steps directly. (02/06/2016)
Certain imperfect steps whose following involves unknown veiled imperfect reasoning, seems to make one get involved into the experience which doesn't want to get into. (04/06/2016)
Every received data seems to require extensive reasoning acceptance; otherwise it might cause background blurry problems to resist the progress of a considered problem's solution, or in increasing the time taken to resolve the problem, which involves pulling out the problematic background problem and then re-think of it being a genuine problem to proceed further in the real problem's solution. (B6P24, 29/06/2016)
Automation: I am thinking on quantifying ideas and to create plugins, to enable greater ease from automation. (02/06/2016)
Learning A New Skill: It seems easy to learn any skill for the expert in any one field, as the rules of the game in learning often seems to be analogically same. (02/06/2016, connected with 5)
Ignorant Guide: Under ignorant teacher it seems difficult to learn (obvious!). Raw experience: My sister is tutoring a 8th standard north Indian student, who doesn't know English. Language learning from the childhood is shown to be easy than in the years after (read James R. Hurford's Origins of Language) because of the evolutionary surrounding in the former than in the latter (?) But my sister has got no overview. She scolded the student comparing the 1st standard with 8th standard student! (01/06/2016)
Faults: Being hurry might make one loss some of the best ways. (1/06/2016)
Misunderstandings: Editing thoughts and saying it to others ignorantly seems to affect relationships. (31/05/2016)
Measurement: I should find a way to measure my "mood".(31/05/2016)
Mathematical concepts can be said as the higher abstraction in which every other concepts can be explored. (29/05/2016)
Extract from the book James R. Hurford's Origins of Language : "Jackobson's idea was that there is a scale of naturalness, of the ease with which syllable can be produced, and that this scale is seen in all the three domains, child language, apahasia,..." See his explorations on mathematising, using the word "scale". (30/05/2016)
I should find a mathematical measure on how much intermediate evolutionary forms knowledge is required to make move; it may not be quantitative knowledge, but the qualitative one which might determine the measure. (01/06/2016)
I need to find a mathematical measure of the weight of every reasoning. (04/06/2016)
How is the measurement done on calculating the "interesting" nature of any reading source?
I should make a measure on the time interval within which a connected experience should occur for effective use of experienced experience. (11/06/2016)
Short-Cut: Think on extracting more conclusions via small number of experiences. (30/05/2016)
I need to find a way to pick up data at a fast rate. (01/06/2016)
Working with Ease: I have seen until now the gradual building up of some sort of tension or excess traffic or stiffness of stuff inside my brain, with the extended sessions, which gets relieved often after a short break. (30/05/2016)
Storing Data: Knowing the evolution/history of writing might help in knowing the best possible notation of storing data, either the new invented one, or the existing diagrams/letters. (30/05/2016)
Randomness: Randomness seems to be associated with easiness. (30/05/2016)
Random experiences seems to bring involuntary analogies, which make one find common share for their area of consideration/problem. (01/06/2016)
Randomness seems to be at its greatest intensity in the initial development phase. (04/06/2016)
In most of the cases, selection of novels or other literature works for the purpose of getting a particular experience seems to involve randomness, as there exists many books on the same concept. (06/06/2016)
Why don't you try creating order out of the randomness given to you? (08/06/2016)
Overview: If one thinks on various possible outcomes of an action intended for a purpose, it seems to help in preventing certain ways, and help achieve the purpose in shortest time possible. (30/05/2016)
Greater use of one word seems to make one involve greater additional expressions with it than the others. (30/05/2016)
Algorithm: I need to find a way to eliminate hurried decisions. (28/05/2016)
I should create an algorithm for making decisions. (29/05/2016)
I should make an algorithm or know more on the art of knowing what I want. (30/05/2016)
I need to make an algorithm or pathway for expressing the inexpressible. (31/05/2016)
Why don't you create an algorithm of how you think? (01/06/2016)
I need to create an algorithm for picking up the most general data. (04/06/2016)
Think on building analogy with Computer Science algorithms for the application into building a desired algorithm. (07/06/2016)
I need to create an algorithm for exploring the thought completely. (16/06/2016)
Acquiring Knowledge: Do you think I should read more on the topics I am already acquainted with? (1/06/2016)
I need to find a way to pick up data at a fast rate. (01/06/2016)
Working with Ease: I have seen until now the gradual building up of some sort of tension or excess traffic or stiffness of stuff inside my brain, with the extended sessions, which gets relieved often after a short break. (30/05/2016)
Storing Data: Knowing the evolution/history of writing might help in knowing the best possible notation of storing data, either the new invented one, or the existing diagrams/letters. (30/05/2016)
Randomness: Randomness seems to be associated with easiness. (30/05/2016)
Random experiences seems to bring involuntary analogies, which make one find common share for their area of consideration/problem. (01/06/2016)
Randomness seems to be at its greatest intensity in the initial development phase. (04/06/2016)
In most of the cases, selection of novels or other literature works for the purpose of getting a particular experience seems to involve randomness, as there exists many books on the same concept. (06/06/2016)
Why don't you try creating order out of the randomness given to you? (08/06/2016)
Overview: If one thinks on various possible outcomes of an action intended for a purpose, it seems to help in preventing certain ways, and help achieve the purpose in shortest time possible. (30/05/2016)
Greater use of one word seems to make one involve greater additional expressions with it than the others. (30/05/2016)
Algorithm: I need to find a way to eliminate hurried decisions. (28/05/2016)
I should create an algorithm for making decisions. (29/05/2016)
I should make an algorithm or know more on the art of knowing what I want. (30/05/2016)
I need to make an algorithm or pathway for expressing the inexpressible. (31/05/2016)
Why don't you create an algorithm of how you think? (01/06/2016)
I need to create an algorithm for picking up the most general data. (04/06/2016)
Think on building analogy with Computer Science algorithms for the application into building a desired algorithm. (07/06/2016)
I need to create an algorithm for exploring the thought completely. (16/06/2016)
Acquiring Knowledge: Do you think I should read more on the topics I am already acquainted with? (1/06/2016)
If one pursues to read a general concept, say math, the next concept might get connected with a more general high quality math. If one pursues a less general concept, he/she might read in the next a less general concept. It seems always to be careful in what we select to read. (4/06/2016)
Is quality of data always decided by its generality? (4/06/2016)
Is the concept influenced by less general concept always less general than the one influenced by more general concept? (4/06/2016)
Quality of data in one possible way, might depend on the utility of the data for the problem under consideration. (4/06/2016)
Extract from Poincare's Science and Method: "The scientific method consists in observation and experiment. If the scientist had an infinity of time at his disposal, it would be sufficient to say to him, "Look, and look carefully." But, since he has not time to look at everything, and above all to look carefully, and since it is better not to look at all than to look carelessly, he is forced to make a selection. The first question, then, is to know how to make this selection." (19/06/2016)
Extract from A.Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet: "I [Sherlock Holmes] consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skilful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance. therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones." (<25/06/2016)
I should avoid receiving the same data again and again for a particular purpose I have searched for. (25/06/2016)
Should I think about the experience which I don't require? (25/06/2016)
I should try condensing all my experience in as much concise manner as possible. I should also try receiving the same information in as much concise manner as possible. (B1P12, 26/06/2016) Blurriness seems to indicate one being ignorant of experience, which even may make one not express the problems he/she is facing. (B6P31, 12/07/2016, Logical Possibility)
Is quality of data always decided by its generality? (4/06/2016)
Is the concept influenced by less general concept always less general than the one influenced by more general concept? (4/06/2016)
Quality of data in one possible way, might depend on the utility of the data for the problem under consideration. (4/06/2016)
Extract from Poincare's Science and Method: "The scientific method consists in observation and experiment. If the scientist had an infinity of time at his disposal, it would be sufficient to say to him, "Look, and look carefully." But, since he has not time to look at everything, and above all to look carefully, and since it is better not to look at all than to look carelessly, he is forced to make a selection. The first question, then, is to know how to make this selection." (19/06/2016)
Extract from A.Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet: "I [Sherlock Holmes] consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skilful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance. therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones." (<25/06/2016)
I should avoid receiving the same data again and again for a particular purpose I have searched for. (25/06/2016)
Should I think about the experience which I don't require? (25/06/2016)
I should try condensing all my experience in as much concise manner as possible. I should also try receiving the same information in as much concise manner as possible. (B1P12, 26/06/2016) Blurriness seems to indicate one being ignorant of experience, which even may make one not express the problems he/she is facing. (B6P31, 12/07/2016, Logical Possibility)